Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Hollywood Actors/Actresses Promoting Hybrid Vehicles

With oil prices hitting an all-time high the invention of hybrid cars are slowly becoming popular. Auto makers from Honda to Toyota are offering more fuel efficient vehicles to save the environment and to cut our dependence on oil. Back in 2004 many big name celebrities such as Tim Robbins, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Sting opted to drive the Toyota Prius to the Oscars that year to promote eco-friendly vehicle options. The Prius runs half on fuel and half on electric power, which proves to get more mileage per tank. The goal is to make Americans aware that there are options to becoming not so oil dependant. Its competitor, Honda has also released a fuel efficient, less oil dependant vehicle, the Hybrid.
Because Hollywood has such an impact on American society I think it is great that actors are cashing in their face-time to support a good cause, reducing our dependence on oil. Los Angeles, California is one of the biggest traffic states in the nation. Hundreds of drivers flock to the freeways each day, clogging up the roads and polluting the environment.
After reflection of all these award ceremony attendees showing up in hybrid vehicles it is clear that Hollywood is backing the movement away from oil dependency. What these stars drive during the days after their moment in the spotlight remains to be seen but at least when they are in the limelight they are pushing a worthy cause. These Hollywood stars are trying to change the way we look at cars and which one would be the better purchase. All these news pieces are definitely a part of popular culture and will have an affect on American society. I think to change American’s minds about vehicles is a tall order – we prefer the fast and the powerful. Which includes gas guzzlers such as Hummer, Porsche and all the other SUV’s on the road. But if Cameron Diaz can trade in her vehicle for a Toyota Prius to save on gas purchases so can I.
Hakim, D. (Dec. 11, 2002). Hybrid Cars are attracting a broad range of Americans. New York Times. Retrieved on October 24, 2007 from,%20NYT%20121102.pdf

1 comment:

Jackie Johnston said...

Hi Janine,

I liked your post. It is important and great that some celebrities are promoting hybrid vehicles. Since so many people admire celebrities maybe they will purchase the same vehicle that they see one of their favorites drive. I like the hybrid vehicles, and would like to purchase one myself. It's amazing how much better these vehicles are for the environment. I think they are becoming a little cheaper, before they were pretty expensive, so now maybe more people can puchase one. Thanks for your post!